United by the love of sailing, sea, and socialising

Race Result 04-11-23

This last Saturday as you may know was my first as Sailing Officer and I want to say a big thank you to Rob and Steve for holding my hand and being gentle with me. And a big thank you to those that braved the elements in a week of extreme weather and put up with a rookie OOD.

Due to wind, the race was started 15 minutes later than scheduled giving all boats time to get in position for the start.

Four boats entered, Calypso, Jinsa, Lasten, and Mirage.

The weather gods were kind as it brightened up a little and rain held off (apart from a light drizzle hear and there).

The race course was ABCDEXA crossing A with the same transit as start.

All went well for your new Race Officer until I made the 10 minute warning, at which point laid back Rob and friendly Steve suddenly got possessed as if this was about to be the final leg of the Whitbread Cup! Your Race Officer got a bit nervous and missed the 5 and 3 minute warnings but just managed to gain composure for the start.

Calypso crossed the start line first and held a good lead throughout.

At some point I got asked to hang my legs out at the beam receiving a wet sock from a rogue bow wave, which I still think was some sort of initiation!

There were some great close quarters moments and varying tactics with Jinsa at one point looking like Paul was drawing a literal line in the sand close in along the beach.

Now the results:

1st place was Mirage with an official race time of 52.00, well done!
2nd goes to Calypso at 53.71 who were so relaxed during the race I wanted step across and join them whilst they were having brunch.
3rd to Lasten at 56.17 who showed some beautiful tight turning around a couple of buoys.
And 4th goes to Jinsa at 59.31 sneaking up out of nowhere around X, taking me by surprise.

Well done to all. You made me feel very welcome and it was an exciting experience.

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